How can i get to Suzhou from Guangzhou
From Guangzhou to Suzhou, there are several way for your choice
1: by car, takes about 24 hours, 500 Yuan RMB(but it waste much time)
2: by train(fast train,through train,bullet train,high-speed train), of course, the faster the speed, the higher the ticket cost
3: by plane,firstly by plane from Guangzhou to Shanghai , and then Shanghai to Suzhou by car or train
Suzhou Chuncha Packing Machine Company is in Suzhou (Taicang City). To our company, all the above methods are available, but i suggest to choose the third way, fly directly from Guangzhou to Shanghai, and then call a taxi to our factory directly(taking about 45 minutes), it is a time-saving way.
Please allow me to taking this opportunity to introduce Chuncha briefly.